Friday, July 18, 2008

'Slow Down ... You're Dating Too Fast" on DVD

From M. David Lee III:

"Slow Down... You're Dating Too Fast!" is heading to DVD!

First of all, I want to say, "Thank you," again to everyone who put in their time and energy into the making of this film. It's a great film and I hope you all enjoy the DVD as well.

To let you know how we're rolling this out, if you've been keeping up with the website, the will be available to the public on Monday July 21st. Press releases have gone out all across the country to let folks know about the release, so don't be surprised if over the next couple of days and weeks you see information locally and nationally concerning the film. Hopefully we'll get some press out of this.

I'm also working on getting the trailer for the film up on the web as well.

And more good news... the film has been submitted to a couple of more festivals. We're waiting to hear about them over the next couple of weeks.

The DVD has the film on it, as well as the trailer and a behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of the film. Not everyone who worked on the project or who shot on the project made it into the documentary, but we tried to do our best.

Since you worked on the film, as promised you get one DVD copy of the film. Please let me know your mailing address and I will get it out to you, some time after the 21st. Also please forward this email to others who worked on the film, because with so many moves I don't have everyone's email address.

Now we need to drive people to the website and any help would be appreciated! If you know of someone who needs to get a release, let me know. If you have friends who have blogs or other things like that, let me know! We've got to get the word out to any and everyone about the film!

Again, thank you so much for your work and I hope you like the finished project.

M. David Lee III

Triple Sticks Productions

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